Methotrexate disodium salt CAS 7413-34-5

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Model: MOS 7413-34-5
Place of Origin: Shandong,China (Mainland)
Molecular Formula: C20H20N8Na2O5
Molecular Weight: 498.4
Hydrophobic parameter calculation reference value: -1.8
Number of rotating chemical bonds: 9
Hydrogen bond donor number: 5
TPSA: 211
Hydrogen bond receptor number: 12
Atomic weight: 33
Storage condition: 0-6°C

Methotrexate disodium salt (CAS: 7413-34-5)

Item Index
Molecular Formula C20H20N8Na2O5
Molecular Weight 498.4
Specification CP/USP/EP

Storage method

Seal in the 0 to 6 DHS C a cool and dry environment.

Toxicology data

Test method: abdominal intake dosage: 120 mg/kg, male mating test object before 60

days (county) : rodents – rat toxicity type: reproductive toxicity effect: 1. The influence

of his father – testis, epididymis and sperm tube 2 copies of male fertility index (such as

# # men and women each impregnated with men fertile pregnancy women) 2. Test method:

abdominal intake dosage: 284 mg/kg test object: rodents – rat toxicity type: acute toxic

effects: the side effects of detailed didn’t report other than lethal dose values

Ecology data

The material may have harm to the environment, the water should be given special attention.

The properties and stability

If use and storage comply with the specifications will not break down.


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