VB1 CAS 59-43-8 Thiamine

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Model: MOS 59-43-8
Brand Name: MOSINTER
CAS: 59-43-8
Molecular formula: C12H17ClN4OS

VB1 CAS 59-43-8 Thiamine

Vitamin B1, also known as “thiamine” or “thiamine”, is one of the B vitamins. It can promote normal glucose metabolism, and it is necessary to maintain the normal function of nerve conduction, heart and gastrointestinal tract. It combines with adenosine triphosphate to form vitamin B1 pyrophosphate (thiamine diphosphate or coenzyme), which is a coenzyme necessary for carbohydrate metabolism. The lack of this coenzyme can cause oxidative metabolism to be blocked and form pyruvate and lactic acid accumulation, which affects the body’s Energy supply. Vitamin B1 can also inhibit the activity of cholinesterase, when it is lacking; cholinesterase activity is enhanced, acetylcholine hydrolysis is accelerated, resulting in nerve impulse conduction obstacles, affecting gastrointestinal and myocardial function. Vitamin B1 is rich in seed husks and germs, such as rice bran, wheat bran, etc.; the content of coarse grains is higher than that in refined rice or white flour. Others such as yeast, lean meat, peanuts, soybeans, liver, whole wheat, fresh vegetables such as cabbage, celery, Chinese medicine parsnip, plantain, and coix seed are all rich in vitamin B1. It can be used as a spice, mainly for the preparation of bitter beverages.